Ethics Line

Unlawful or unethical behaviour is unacceptable to us. In an effort to effectively prevent and detect it, we have created an internal whistleblowing system - an ethics hotline based on anonymity, confidentiality and impartiality in the assessment of each report.

Czechoslovak Group Ethics Line

To create a unified reporting channel for testimonies of unethical, corruptive, illegal, unsafe or environment-damaging behaviour, the Czechoslovak Group has created the Ethics Line which can be used by anybody to report the above-mentioned problematic behaviour either in the form of

a) leaving a voice message at telephone number +420 733 678 454, or
b) sending a report to [email protected].

Czechoslovak Group prefers that the reports are not anonymous as such reports themselves pose a risk of unethical behaviour and abuse of the Ethics Line. However, nobody can be forced to leave his name.

The receiver of all reports is the HR department of Czechoslovak Group which in case the report has been submitted by e-mail acknowledges the message’s acceptance and informs the sender within 14 days about the taken steps. After the report has been investigated, the sender is notified about the result.

Czechoslovak Group declares that they value reasonable reports submitted to the Ethics Line. However, this does not apply to false reports with the aim to unjustly accuse another person or company. Such report itself is a breach of the Code of Ethics and Czechoslovak Group’s anti-corruption program with all associated consequences.

How to submit a compliance concern

You may submit your compliance concern as follows:
  • Via e-mail, to the address: [email protected]. Within 24 hours after submission, you will receive confirmation that your concern has been received and is being dealt with. Information on how the concern was resolved will be provided to you within 1 month.
  • By telephone to the following number: +420 733 678 454. If you do not directly reach the person you are calling, your message will be automatically recorded by a recorder and converted into electronic form. If you disclose your e-mail address, you will be sent a confirmation within 24 hours after submission that your concern has been received and is being assessed. Information on how the concern was resolved will be provided to you within 1 month.
  • You may raise your concern either under your own name or anonymously. In case of raising your concern by phone without giving your identification or contact details, feedback cannot be provided.

    Your concern will be accepted by the ET-Link Manager who is also the Human Resources Manager of the CZECHOSLOVAK GROUP closely cooperating with CZECHOSLOVAK GROUP’s top management. Your concern will be impartially and objectively considered and settled.

    Concerns may be raised by employees of the companies of CZECHOSLOVAK GROUP, customers, suppliers or any other person concerned with the Company’s ethical behaviour.

    What information should a compliance concern include?

  • Name and title (if you wish to disclose such information) of the person raising the concern
  • What issue the concern relates to (see definition of unethical behaviour or own issue)
  • Company to which the concern relates
  • Person to whom the concern relates
  • When the given issue occurred
  • The concern itself
  • When raising a concern, please proceed in line with the Company’s Code of Conduct. Provide truthful, pragmatic and undistorted information. Should incorrect actions, provision of false information or intentional damage to another person be ascertained, personal sanctions will be imposed.

    Definition of unethical behaviour

    Definition of unethical behaviour

    Unethical behaviour is behaviour that breaches both the Company’s Code of Conduct and the general notion of morally correct behaviour. You may turn to the ET-LINK management with any issue that threatens yourself, your work, colleagues, superiors or the day-to-day running of the Company.

  • direct violation of the laws of the Czech Republic
  • suspicion of corrupt behaviour
  • psychological or physical abuse by other employees
  • bossing, ignoring, punishment
  • sexual harassment
  • threats in connection with work performance
  • violation of personal security
  • breaches of workplace safety
  • labour issues (fair pay, working hours, promotions, bonuses, business trips)
  • deliberate actions to damage the reputation of the group or the company
  • infringement of competition rules
  • embezzlement, misappropriation of collaborators' ideas
  • abuse of power
  • theft of Company or private property
  • misuse of Company property
  • financial fraud
  • forgery of contracts
  • accepting bribes
  • wasteful and environmentally unsound behaviour
  • slander and dissemination of false information, intrigue
  • disclosure of confidential information
  • Q&A

    Questions & Answers

    What is the purpose of ET-LINK?

    ET-LINK monitors concerns about unethical, corrupt, dangerous or hazardous conduct within the holding group, centralizes and resolves the same. It enables feedback to Czechoslovak Group companies’ employees and aims to resolve the respective complaints or requirements. Thereby ET-LINK improves cooperation and occupational safety, promotes legal and ethical behaviour in the Company, and serves as prevention of accidents or for regular risk assessment. It also places great emphasis on environmental protection.

    Who considers the compliance concerns submitted?

    Your concerns are received by the ET-LINK manager, Czechoslovak Group’s Human Resources Department director who subsequently considers and assesses the concerns in cooperation with competent persons both within and outside the holding group. Dealing with the concerns by a top manager of the holding group guarantees fair and impartial consideration of all the concerns submitted, irrespective of their origin or content.

    When will I receive a response?

    The speed of the response depends on external factors such as the number of concerns handled simultaneously, their gravity, etc. You will receive a response at the latest within 1 business month after submission.

    Who may raise a compliance concern?

    ET-LINK is primarily intended for employees of the companies of Czechoslovak Group; however, concerns may be raised by any person concerned with the good name of the Group.

    Is submission of a concern really anonymous?

    Yes, it is. Confidentiality applies namely to situations where you, for any reason whatsoever, are worried or fear sanctions for having raised the concern. Nobody will try to identify the IP address from which the e-mail was sent. However, we do not recommend raising anonymous concerns via the recording service, as no feedback is possible in this case.

    How do I find out about the outcome?

    If you submitted the concern via e-mail, the response will be delivered to the address from which it was sent. If you submitted the concern by phone, the reply will be delivered to the e-mail address you specify during the phone. If required and provided you revealed your identity, the concern may be assessed in direct cooperation with you.